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Marketing and Sales Articles for Financial Brands

Wrapping up 2019: The End of a Decade for Bank Digital Marketing

As we come to the end of not only another year, but another decade, I am humbled to see the Digital Growth community grow from a couple of hundred financial brand marketing and sales leaders to now over 6,000 people from around the world.

You are the reason we continue our mission to simplify digital marketing and sales strategies that empower banks and credit unions to generate 10X more loans and deposits.

Table of Contents:

  1. Fall/Winter Digital Growth Digest: Insights to Jumpstart 2020
  2. Celebrating Q4 Wins and Growth
  3. Looking Ahead to 2020 With Hope and Confidence
  4. How to Maximize Your Digital Growth Potential in 2020

I'm more excited than ever before, and I am looking forward to the next ten years as we continue to transfer our knowledge and insights to financial brand marketing, sales, and leadership teams. Together we will guide people in the communities you serve beyond their financial stress towards a bigger, better, and brighter future.

Working together, we will make the world 1BXBTR (1 Billion Times Better).

1. Fall/Winter Digital Growth Digest: Insights to Jumpstart 2020

It has been a very busy past 90 days to end 2019.

At one point, I was on the road every week speaking at different industry events around the United States or leading a financial brand’s marketing team through their Winter Digital Growth Strat Session. I’m now looking forward to taking some time off to rest and recover over the next few weeks.

I also have some very exciting news to share with you once we come back from the holiday break that has been a big focus of mine this year and includes around 54,000 words.

Until then, I want to share a few resources I've contributed to over the last 90 days that I thought you might find helpful to read and watch over the holidays to get a jumpstart on 2020:

Article: Financial Marketers Staggered by Facebook’s Radical Ad Rule Changes 

Podcast: Transform Your Thinking for Better Digital Marketing Outcomes

Video: CU Broadcast Interview

Article: The fight against financial advertisers using Facebook for digital

Video: Insights from 2019 NAFCU’s Lending Conference

Article: 5 Ways Financial Marketers Can Avoid ‘Quicksand of Digital Change’

2. Celebrating Q4 Wins and Growth

Every single financial brand in our Digital Growth Jumpstart and Accelerator Program have made progress along their Digital Growth Journey while experiencing exponential growth.

Just a few of the many wins to celebrate include:

Generated $120,000 in future lifetime value for new account holders acquired through organic digital referral system strategy in just 90 days.

Added $180,000 in value to mortgage pipeline in 60 days through ever green full-funnel campaign strategy in addition to closing an additional $15,000 in mortgage net interest income. 

Generated $240,000 in future lifetime value for a financial brand's small business services team pipeline in 60 days through an ever green full-funnel campaign strategy. Team is estimated to close $40,000 of value through booking of face-to-face meetings with digital leads. 

Added over $4 million to financial brand's auto loan portfolio through digital lead generation strategy. 

Generated $308,000 in future lifetime value from ongoing digital lead generation campaign in less than 90 days positioned around financial coaching -not pushing commoditized products.

Added $1 million in personal loans in just 72 hours through a financial brand's digital flash sale. 

Added more than $2.7 million in holiday loans from more than 1,000 digital leads -- a YoY increase of more than 14% with over 12% of leads coming from new account holders.

Looking to experience exponential digital growth in 2020?

Apply to join the Digital Growth Jumpstart or Accelerator Program.

3. Looking Ahead to 2020 With Confidence

I can remember all the hype when we turned the century and transitioned from 1999 to enter into 2000. Just think for a moment about what the world looked like then. There was no social media. There was no YouTube. There was no iPhone. And when you connected to the internet, you most likely heard beeps, clicks, and whoosh sounds.

The world today looks much different than it did ten or even 20 years ago. I just want to know where is my flying car?

With all the changes we’ve experienced, thanks to technology, particularly as a financial brand marketing or sales leader, it is understandable if you feel a bit overwhelmed and confused about digital marketing and sales.

Maybe you’ve built a website this year (or are thinking about it in 2020). Perhaps you’re already placing digital ads, sending emails, and posting content on social media. But you’re frustrated because you’re not getting the results you (or your CEO) hoped for.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way for you.

4. How to Maximize Your Digital Growth Potential in 2020

As we enter into not only a whole new year, but an entirely new decade, I’m more excited about the future than ever before. And so are the financial brands we are guiding through our Digital Growth Jumpstart and Accelerator Programs.

Both our Jumpstart and Accelerator Programs have completely booked up through March of 2020. We hit max capacity in early December and had no more space as we limit the number of concurrent financial brands working their way through the Program together.

And even though it is still three months away, I’m going to open up a few more spots after the holiday break to welcome in a very limited number of financial brands that want to join our next Program scheduled to start in April.

Will I see you there?