The Opportunity for Growth and Innovation? It’s Here and Now
by Audrey Cannata on April 23, 2021
“When disruption happens, great change and innovation happen even more quickly.” -Mina Worthington There’s no question that the past year has brought with it a tremendous amount of disruption and even turmoil for some. But there is no better opportunity to rebuild stronger, bolder, an …
Powering Your Brand: Building and Implementing Your Purpose Internally
by James Robert Lay on March 22, 2021
Much can be said about the impact of building a financial brand with purpose. It reminds us that the focus should be on our clients and that, as an organization, we want to move our financial brands beyond the commoditization trap to build a human-centered operation with heart. That’s …
In The Financial Industry, One Little Word Can Make All the Difference
by James Robert Lay on February 10, 2021
I recently shared this thought on LinkedIn, and it’s stuck with me ever since: "Remember that the fundamental opportunity is to help guide people beyond the financial stress that’s keeping them up at night and taking such a heavy toll on their health and their relationships. The goal …
Your Purpose: Building a Human-Centered, Unstoppable Future
by James Robert Lay on February 8, 2021
Are you building your financial brand purpose? There’s a major difference between banking on purpose and banking within the confines of traditional vision and mission statements.
How to Position Your Financial Brand Beyond Commoditization
by Audrey Cannata on December 16, 2020
When thinking about change and getting others on board with the change, one of the best ways to achieve that is by establishing a digital growth purpose. A purpose-driven growth model can give you a huge strategic advantage in a commoditized market. That's precisely the approach the f …
The Commoditization Trap and How Your Financial Institution Can Escape It
by James Robert Lay on December 11, 2020
Financial brands are leading people through this post-COVID world. They are the shining light for others. They are a rock for their communities. Financial brands are helping people navigate the financial chaos that COVID has brought so many, and their future depends on their ability t …
Financial Institutions: Facing the Digital Future With Courage and Confidence
by Audrey Cannata on August 24, 2020
Brett King, founder of the neobank Moven, joined James Robert Lay on the Banking on Digital Growth Podcast, to discuss the systematic issues and failure points on how we have adapted to the coronavirus.
How Financial Brands can Build Relationships with Local Businesses in a Digital World
by Audrey Cannata on August 20, 2020
“We have less than a week to catch up with money we lost during the pandemic. We applied for help through various means to no avail. Come have lunch and tell a friend.” - Facebook post from a local burger joint in Richmond, Tx. (August 2020) Over the past few months, like many of you, …
Bridging the Bank-Consumer Trust Gap and Generating Profits with Purpose and Empathy
by James Robert Lay on July 1, 2020
Spend five minutes studying the financial industry and you’ll spot it right away: there is a lack of trust between consumers and financial brands. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find out why. You see, financial brand leaders are driven by the Three Ps: products, process, and profits. …
Stand Out During and After COVID-19 with Purpose-Driven Banking
by James Robert Lay on June 11, 2020
“We’re all in this together.” Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve heard this statement from government officials, friends, and companies. This call for solidarity highlights an important shift that has been taking place in consumer behavior and capitalism: profit is no longer king; …