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Marketing and Sales Articles for Financial Brands

The Critical Role of Continuous Website Optimization for Financial Brands

Imagine you're on your way to becoming one of the top financial brands in your state. In the midst of a major merger and rebrand, you've been given a $10,000 budget to launch a new website, something that will be the digital face of your institution for years to come. But here's the q …

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Accelerate Transformation Through Agile Growth

We often view time as linear, segmented into past, present, and future. This straightforward understanding can hinder our potential for exponential growth, but I've encountered numerous situations that forced me to reconsider my relationship with time.

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The Four Virtues of Digital Stoicism: A Blueprint for Exponential Growth

Over the past decade, I’ve explored many ways of managing technology's rapid evolution and shaping its impact on personal and professional growth.

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What Is a Digital Stoic?

In early 2002, when the internet was still in its infancy, I launched what would eventually become the Digital Growth Institute. The early days were filled with boundless excitement about the internet's transformative potential to foster human connections.

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Exponential Growth Begins Within

Finding clarity about what kind of transformation I was seeking in my career path was a major game-changer. Finally, I could see a clear path forward; I knew where I wanted to go, and I knew I was passionate enough about my goal to put in the work and make it happen.

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Transcending the Territory of Transformation and Beyond

As a new parent with a new diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), I spent nearly two full years doing my best to stay afloat. Some days, it was all I could do to keep my head above (metaphorical) instead of sinking to the bottom of the 7 Cs. And then another massive shift changed m …

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Commit with Confidence—Even in Unchartered Waters

The exponential growth journey to the Territory of Transformation can be long—and at times, challenging. And even when you’ve made your way to the other side of the Apex of Awareness on Mt. Mutatio and you’ve conquered the Four Fires of Fear it’s essential to remember that exponential …

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Climbing the Mountain of Exponential Growth: Ascending the Apex of Awareness

7:30 am. First period. Sixth grade. I walked down the hall of Bonnette Junior High School, viola case in tow, hoping nobody would see me carrying it before I could stash it away in my locker. Though I desperately wanted to play percussion in the school’s marching band (much cooler), m …

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Exponential Growth Requires You to CARE

Chances are, you remember exactly where you were when you realized that the COVID-19 pandemic was, well, a pandemic. And that it was about to impact our lives in unimaginable ways. March 11, 2020, I was headed to Toronto for a business trip. On my flight, I watched the World Health Or …

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Exploring How Customer Lifetime Value Shapes Financial Brands

Customer Lifetime Value

Have you ever stopped to consider how much a single customer is worth to your bank, credit union, or fintech over the course of your relationship? That's the million-dollar question (well, maybe not quite a million), and it's exactly what a recent episode of the Banking on Digital Gro …

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