Audrey Cannata

Content and Community Specialist
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Accelerate Transformation Through Agile Growth

We often view time as linear, segmented into past, present, and future. This straightforward...


The Four Virtues of Digital Stoicism: A Blueprint for Exponential Growth

Over the past decade, I’ve explored many ways of managing technology's rapid evolution and shaping...


What Is a Digital Stoic?

In early 2002, when the internet was still in its infancy, I launched what would eventually become...


Exponential Growth Begins Within

Finding clarity about what kind of transformation I was seeking in my career path was a major...


Transcending the Territory of Transformation and Beyond

As a new parent with a new diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), I spent nearly two full years...


Commit with Confidence—Even in Unchartered Waters

The exponential growth journey to the Territory of Transformation can be long—and at times,...


Climbing the Mountain of Exponential Growth: Ascending the Apex of Awareness

7:30 am. First period. Sixth grade. 

I walked down the hall of Bonnette Junior High School, viola...


Exponential Growth Requires You to CARE

Chances are, you remember exactly where you were when you realized that the COVID-19 pandemic was,...


Exploring How Customer Lifetime Value Shapes Financial Brands

Have you ever stopped to consider how much a single customer is worth to your bank, credit union,...


Empathy and Culture in Finance: Fostering Growth and Connection

Empathy, recognized as the capacity to comprehend and empathize with others' emotions, plays a...


Navigating the Age of AI: The Human Element in Digital Transformation

In the rapidly evolving age of AI, financial brands face significant challenges as research...