Audrey Cannata

Content and Community Specialist
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Self-Correction: The Secret to Customer-Driven Leadership

“If you are doing customer-driven leadership the right way, it can’t fail because it’s...

The Behavioral Science Behind Financial Brand Marketing

“All of us rely on decision-making shortcuts. They are ways for us to conserve mental energy...

Part 2: Are You Thinking Like a Brand, Not a Bank?

“Mission as a product allows you to cast a really important and effective net exactly where you...

Are You Thinking Like a Brand, Not a Bank?

“Brand speaks the language of returns every single time. There's really not a way you can look at...

How Financial Brands Can Bridge the Emotional Gap in Customer Loyalty

“Too many banks still look at their customers as account holders rather than people who have...

The One-Number Budget: Ending the Silent Epidemic of Financial Stress

“The discussion has to start with a lifetime perspective. What are they really working toward? What...

Opening Your Mind to Open Data, Open Banking, and Open Finance

“Data is a proxy for money. You don't have a pile of money to bank anymore. All you have is ones...

How Listening and Learning Lead to Financial Transformation

“Financial literacy helps break down all barriers. It’s one of the foundation stones to give people...

Finding the Disconnect With Young Account Holders

“What do we need to do as a financial institution? Banking? Yes, check. Loans? Check. Investments?...

Winning Through Risk-Taking: Leadership and Coaching

“What a really good coach does is create a space for the player - the leader - to understand all...

From On Hold to On Screen: Multichannel Messaging in the Financial World

“Most banks have an interaction pie that looks like 80% phone calls and 20% live chat.” -Dan...