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James Robert Lay

Posts by James Robert Lay

How Financial Brands Can Confidently Guide People Through Their Post COVID-19 Financial Struggles

Health crisis. Financial crisis. Societal crisis. Mental health crisis. The perfect storm of crises hitting people all at once combining together to create exponential chaos and confusion. First, we have the health crisis itself. This pandemic is not going away anytime soon. From the …

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How Can Banks and Credit Unions Reduce Financial Stress in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Confused. Stressed. Overwhelmed. How does money make you feel? Research continues to find there is a tremendous amount of shame in talking about money. And this is before COVID-19 turned our world upside down.

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Banks and Credit Unions Can Use Courage to Guide Consumers Through this Brave New World

The world that we knew no longer exists. The world that is coming, that we are living through right now, will be the new normal. You can move forward with confidence in this brave new world. How might you ask? What can we do to effectively break free from the confusion and chaos of th …

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Does the Financial Industry Really Need Another Book?

According to Google, the total number of books ever published is an impressive 130,000,000. That’s a lot of words to read and countless more letters to process but I digress. So, the question is: Does the world really need another book? Specifically, does it need another marketing boo …

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What Does Digital Growth Really Mean?

This is one of the most important, if not the most important question financial brands should be critically thinking about. The vast majority of bank and credit union leaders simply don't understand the concept of digital growth. That's OK. Digital growth builds on top of established …

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The BANCER Strategy Circle for Financial Brands: Using the Consumer Journey to Optimize Sales

Eighty-four percent of financial brands have not mapped out digital consumer journeys, according to our research at the Digital Growth Institute. Why is this such a problem? If you don’t have a digital consumer journey mapped out, just think what it means for the person on the other e …

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As a Financial Brand, Focus on Consumer Personas, Not Demographics

Financial brands are all about the numbers. So it makes sense that when you want to define and segment your audience, you turn to the hard data of demographics. But demographics are missing something very important: empathy. Let me show you what I mean. I’m going to describe a target …

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Story Marketing for Financial Institutions: Be the Helpful Guide, Not the Hero

See if you can spot the difference between these two commercials. In the 1980s, there was a famous Duracell commercial featuring toy bunnies banging on cymbals. Gradually, all the bunnies ran out of batteries… except for one.

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4 Gears of the Digital Growth Engine for Financial Brands

Eighty-seven percent of bank shopping journeys start online, according to our research at the Digital Growth Institute. So when it comes to creating leads and driving sales for your financial brand, there is no greater opportunity than digital growth. But many financial brands are sti …

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8 Ways for Financial Institutions to Achieve Digital Differentiation

The average Net Promoter Score for financial brand website shopping experiences is four out of ten, according to an analysis of over 1,200 different digital secret shopping experiences. This isn’t just bad; it’s “bottom of the barrel” bad. A study from Financial Brand found banking we …

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