Audrey Cannata

Content and Community Specialist
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Adopting Empathy to Help Customers Embrace Financial Education

“We have to get out of this mindset of looking at people as purely transactions. We’re in the...


Why Financial Brands Need a Human Touch to Experience Growth

“At the end of the day, the person you’re selling to, the people that you’re serving are humans.”...


Why Are Most Financial Brands Ignoring Young People?

"Teenagers these days are really different than teenagers even 10 years ago. And the stark...


An Asset That Shouldn't Be an Afterthought: The Financial Calculator

"Where we're headed is a convenience era and people need things to work. They need to be connected...


Why It’s Time to Give Banking Customers More Control

"Banking on ignorance is not a very viable sales and marketing strategy for businesses today. We’ve...


Digital, Not Distant: Building Social Media Bonds in Banking

"Don't feel that even the most inconsequential tidbit of your life doesn't matter to the audience,...


Building on Your BaaS Strengths

"A symphony of simplicity - that's what we're creating with embedded finance." -Sarah Howell



New Community Bank, New Opportunity for Growth

"Mindset is everything." -Kelsey Weaver

Building a new community bank requires innovative thinking...


The Power of Positive Financial Partnerships

"Money has no value without the activities of life." -Allison Netzer

A financial partnership...


Why Financial Collaboration Builds a Better Future

"Just because we're changing our tactic does not mean we got it wrong. It means we're being...


Supercharging a Small Business With the Power of Fintech

“If you fail, fail fast, and hopefully, fail a lot.” -Renee Newman