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Medium: Breaking Free from the Legacy Growth Models of Financial Brands

Brett King, the founder of neobank Moven, once wrote, “Banking is no longer somewhere you go but something you do.”

But now, banking is evolving further, beyond something you do to something you experience.


What do I mean by experience? As it relates to digital growth, an experience is nothing more than a set of systems and processes — centered on the digital consumer journey — that have been strategically defined, applied, and optimized over a period resulting in a positive or negative emotion.

The legacy growth models of financial brands are based on banking being somewhere you go. To move forward and attract the customers of today, who are more educated and empowered than ever, you must break free from these old-growth models. You must put consumers back at the center of all your thinking and doing and focus on the experience, which is most often digital, not physical.

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