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Credit Union Times: What Does it Take for Credit Unions to Drive Digital Growth?

If anything, the COVID-19 health and economic crisis has clearly demonstrated how critically important digital banking is after credit unions were forced to close or partially close their branches. Sure, there will always be a place for the branch, but while many employees are still working from home, credit unions are rethinking their branch positions and some of them have already decided to permanently close a portion of their branches and invest more resources into digital banking to drive growth now and into the future.

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According to a new article to be published in the Aug. 12 of CU Times, Lay’s book focuses on how financial brands can leverage their digital banking channels to execute short-term and long-term digital marketing strategies. As the founder of the Digital Growth Institute in Houston, Lay holds 18 years of professional experience in working on many digital marketing projects with more than 520 credit unions and banks.

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