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Banking on Digital Growth Podcast

Do Banks and Credit Union Leaders Really Need Another Marketing Book?

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Brief Summary of Episode #3

In 2010, Google calculated the number of books ever published to be an impressive 130M.

So, the question is: Does the world really need another book?

Specifically, does it require another marketing book?

It’s a question I grappled with while writing my upcoming book “Banking on Digital Growth,” way back in 2019 and long before COVID-19 was on our mind.

Ultimately, I realized I needed to write it to help financial brands unlock the secrets of digital growth.

Before the crisis, consumers were already making purchase decisions long before stepping into a branch, while digital was already disrupting traditional growth models.

Financial brands — many of whom had only dabbled — already needed guidance on their digital growth journeys.

So, I needed to publish.

In a post-COVID-19 world, it’s even more important.

Now we wonder if people will ever step foot in a branch again, while necessity has earned digital scores of new converts.

The crisis only accelerated the change that was already happening.

I truly believe better days are ahead for all of us. But we need to think and do things a little bit differently to get there.

That’s why I’m still releasing my book on May 19th via Amazon, to help guide you along your digital growth journey.

Key Insights and Takeaways

  • What's the problem confronting financial brands
  • The greatest opportunities ahead for banks and credit unions
  • How to transform marketing and sales teams