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The Best Bank and Credit Union Podcast

Thought Leadership Is Earned Through Powerful Content (With Doug Wilber)

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Brief Summary of Episode #80

You can’t just call yourself a “thought leader.”

Thought leadership is earned.

And you earn it by having a powerful voice in your domain.

But how do you cultivate that voice?

To answer that question, I invited Doug Wilber, CEO at Denim Social, onto the latest episode to discuss how financial brands can create content worthy of the “thought leader” mantle.

And one thing stood out to me:

Most companies view their content and brand as a singular voice — a monologue to shout into the world.

But that’s not a powerful voice.

Power comes from giving the community you serve content that is relevant to them — content that is actionable.

Power comes from engaging with your community and that’s a two-way street.

Instead of speaking at them, you need to speak with them.

And your financial brand’s voice isn’t a solo performance — it’s a chorus composed of the voices of everyone who makes your brand what it is.

If you are aware of this, you can use it.

Think of all the employees in your company. How many followers do they each have on social media?

If they were all singing the same tune as you, think about how much larger your audience would be.

Earning thought leadership is like composing a song…

And the more people singing along, the better.


Key Insights and Takeaways

  • Why “people buy from people” is more important than ever
  • How thought leadership is earned
  • Why empowering your employees’ voices amplifies your brand’s

How to Connect With Doug Wilber

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