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Banking on Digital Growth Podcast

The Leap From Hunch to Hypothesis Through Automation (with Glenn Hopper)

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Brief Summary of Episode #207

When you hear the term ‘machine learning,’ what comes to mind? 

Some may think of a bleak future with a world full of humans fighting Terminators. 

But the reality is that machine learning could be the next step in your financial brand’s evolution in digital transformation.

Glenn Hopper, Chief Financial Officer at Sandline Global, certainly believes in it.

The author of Deep Finance: Corporate Finance in the Information Age says that automation with proper oversight can filter the mundane from the exceptional.

In this episode of Banking on Digital Growth, Glenn and I break down the ins and outs of machine learning.

We talk about some potential roadblocks - and dangers - of using AI automation to handle your bank or credit union’s data.

Glenn also gives me his take on the risk aversion generally associated with automation and why it can be a nail in the coffin for financial brands.

Machine learning isn’t a dystopian algorithm designed to replace humans, but a tool we can use to humanize the exceptional.


Key Insights and Takeaways

  • Potential roadblocks and dangers of using machine learning (8:20)
  • How to avoid being held hostage by AI automation (17:36)
  • Splitting time on the present versus future focus through data (24:33)

How to Connect With Glenn Hopper

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