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Banking on Digital Growth Podcast

When the W2 Loses Its Shine: Shifting Mindset by Firing Your Old Self (with Chuck Allen)

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Brief Summary of Episode #293

Incredible change is sweeping financial markets in early 2023.

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse has gripped the global banking industry, and a lot of financial leaders are looking for answers.

Some professionals are playing out worst-case scenarios. But Chuck Allen, Career and Life Coach and Host of Cool Change, believes cool heads can prevail by staying in the present moment.

“Every experience [is unique],” Chuck said. “If we’re aware of that, we might bring forward lessons of the past without replaying them to the point it diminishes our ability to deal with them.”

As a self-proclaimed reformed executive, he’s evangelizing the value of every experience, even the bad ones.

“There are things you can only learn from bad bosses that you can’t learn from good bosses,” Chuck argued. “Find what makes sense and shop from those experiences.”

If we focus more on our inputs — our passions, our energy — and less on outputs, we can ride any storm.

“If we live our lives on the rise and fall of what’s going on [around us], then we are at the whims of society, and our locus of control is beyond ourselves,” Chuck said.

Join us for this episode of our Exponential Insights series as we ride the waves of cool change and find clarity in the present moment.  


Key Insights and Takeaways

  • Why waiting for perfect circumstances is a modern epidemic (5:28)
  • A reformed executive’s definition of “cool change” (14:54)
  • Gaining valuable insight from difficult experiences (25:52)

How to Connect With Chuck Allen
