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Banking on Digital Growth Podcast

Happiness Works: The Importance of Narrative Storytelling in the Age of AI (with Angela Moonan)

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Brief Summary of Episode #279

Narrative storytelling is wired into human DNA.

That’s because words have power, giving voice to our thoughts and emotions. Your brand’s story dictates perception, which in turn reflects reality.

So no matter how incredible your financial institution or fintech products may be on paper, how your customers and employees feel about your brand is what matters.

“Who do you really want to be?” Angela Moonan, CEO of consultancy Angela Moonan, LLC, asked. “What do you want the world to see?”

The problem for financial leaders who can’t answer those questions is that they’re not sure what kind of story they want to tell.

And that’s a big problem because everyone else is following their lead.

“You’ll often find with leadership that the stories they’re telling themselves and each other, their employees and customers are simply mirroring that,” Angela said.

So what’s the secret to telling your brand’s story? Be what you want others to see.

“How do you want the world to see you? Define that archetype and put it through a litmus test,” Angela said.

Your financial brand’s future story begins today, and your investment in the human connection can dictate how your customers and employees tell it.

Key Insights and Takeaways

  • Why it’s hard for financial leaders to hit pause (11:21)
  • Finding the “why” in your storytelling narrative (20:00)
  • The power of words and defining your archetype (27:52) 

How to Connect With Angela Moonan
