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The Best Bank and Credit Union Podcast

The Digital Advertising Industry's Dirty Little Secret

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Brief Summary of Episode #31

It's time to look beyond digital ads.

Three years ago, I predicted the demise of digital ads, and I was right. 

Back then, I believed ad bots and ad blockers would prove their undoing. As it turns out, the fight for consumer data and privacy has finished what the bots and blockers began.

New changes at Google mean that financial brands will no longer be able to use in-market audiences to reach people who might be close to completing a car or home purchase using age or zip code.

On top of that, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has charged Facebook with housing discrimination due to its ad focus.

In light of all this, are digital ads still worth it? 


Digital ads are just a hangover from traditional broadcast marketing, forced into a digital medium. Brands need to move away from broadcast and direct response marketing.

Instead of ads, we'll start to see email and organic SEO go through their second Golden Ages. Email and evergreen content are strategic assets that can create value over a period of time

This is a tremendous opportunity for sales and marketing to create value together.

I talked more about digital ads on the last episode of the Banking on Digital Growth show.

Key Insights and Takeaways

  • Why the coming cookie apocalypse will change the ad landscape for financial brands
  • Two things you can do to stay on top of Google Ads' new policy
  • What will replace ads in the digital marketer's toolbox