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The Best Bank and Credit Union Podcast

How Brain Chemicals Affect Banking Choices (With Melina Palmer)

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Brief Summary of Episode #87

You have two brain systems, and the one you think is in charge isn’t.

Best case scenario, your conscious brain is doing just 5% of the work. Could be as low as 0.001%, though.

When people make decisions, they’re almost always made subconsciously.

What does this have to do with banking? That’s what I brought Melina Palmer back onto Banking on Digital Growth to discuss.

Full disclosure: I was able to preview her forthcoming book, What Your Customer Wants and Can't Tell You, and it’s a must-read.

Okay, so to understand the balance between the conscious and subconscious, you have to understand that most of us don’t make choices from logic.

We choose with our limbic system, the so-called “lizard brain” that is affected by our senses and our instincts.

When we're looking at communicating through marketing, the imagery we use can be incredibly impactful. 

As well, whether we use descriptive and colorful language makes a big difference.

If you’re buying a couch, you don’t want plain old leather.

You want “buttery soft chocolate brown leather.”

FIs can capitalize on the human subconscious too by becoming aware of how we present ourselves.

Check out these resources we mentioned during the podcast:

Key Insights and Takeaways

  • The conscious vs. the subconscious
  • The most influential brain chemical in marketing
  • How to get people to change their behavior & the IKEA effect

How to Connect With Melina Palmer

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